An Early Gift

A friend passed away suddenly from a heart attack yesterday. She was 42 years old. She was sweet and touched the lives of many, especially the students she taught at school. I think it’s safe to say no one was ready for her to leave. It seems a bit unfair.

This week is my son’s 6th birthday. Every day, all day, he has been asking to open his birthday presents early. Just as parents do, and in an effort to teach him some delayed gratification in life, we deny his requests. We tell him he has to wait, like everyone else, for his time to come.

I can imagine the Lord looking at my friend here yesterday, smiling, and then saying, “Daughter, you don’t have to wait any longer. Come and open your presents early.” Like a child getting to rip open the things he’s always wanted earlier than expected, she is no doubt praising Him and thankful she got to unwrap it all earlier than most. Nothing seems unfair about that for her. For her, it was the best day ever.

Today, I’m reminded of the example given this weekend in church. On the sidelines, at the ground level of the football field, the marching band looks as if they are walking around in chaos. But when above and looking down, you can see it all makes sense and is pretty cool. The Lord’s work is the same. His plan always has a purpose and each piece plays a role in creating something so very magnificent. Even when it doesn’t seem to make sense from our seats on the sidelines.

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